Content Marketing: How We Drive SEO Results With Content
Ranking with Content Marketing
75% of all clicks on search engine results pages go to organic results. Organic search engine optimization drives traffic, boosts rankings, and content is what drives SEO.
Content marketing is the foundation of every successful SEO campaign. Getting your website to rank on Google is not about peppering your pages with one or two keywords. Google's algorithms focus quality content that engages, builds trust, and establishes authority. Our publishing house's content marketing strategies are built around these concepts.
Google uses Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to determine whether to rank a page for a keyword or not. LSI allows Google to associate related words to a specific topic instead of simply relying on the appearance of specific keywords or phrases. For example, Google can associate the phrases "golf bags" and "golf equipment" with the main keyword, "golf clubs". Inserting these related keywords in your pages, will make your website more relevant to users and in turn Google will see your website as an authoritative website and index you appropriately, at the top of the SERP’s.
Writing for LSI requires more than just basic keyword research and writing. That's why our journalists and marketers that combine creative writing skills with proven marketing strategies to develop content that impresses human audiences and search engines alike.
Our Writing & Marketing Hybrid
Being a good writer is not the same as being a good content marketer. A combination of writing and marketing skills is required to produce quality content for website and online campaigns.
Setting Solid Foundations through Writing
Developing good writing skills is the first step to becoming an effective content marketer. If you don't know how to write well, readers won't buy into your ideas no matter how much effort you put into marketing them.
By knowing how to write creatively, our publishing house produces original content that informs and engages. Their extensive storytelling skills help them write professional content for specific audiences with ease.
Achieving Business Goals with Marketing
Knowing the basics of marketing allows our writers to hone their writing style based on industry standards and ethics. Their knowledge in marketing allows them to develop and use content in business context to sell your brand more effectively and help you gain more leads.
With their background in writing and marketing, our content team knows how to produce content that effectively targets specific niches, including: Arts & Entertainment, Beauty & Personal Care Business, Education, Home & Garden, Hotels & Restaurants, Industrial Law, Real Estate, Retail, Services, Sports & Fitness, Travel & Tourism, Technology, Vehicles, Family & Community, Finance, and Health.
Our 6 Types Of Content
On-Page Content
We make sure the content that appears on your website's pages are unique, relevant, and informative. Our on-page content helps create a richer user experience, and encourages visitors to bookmark your site and keep coming back for more.
Downloadable eBooks, guides, Infographics, & Guides
These types of content provide in-depth information about industry related topics. Offering eBooks, definitive guides, infographics, and more value to your visitors will help convert them into loyal customers and adds to the diversity of your backlink profile as well.
Electronic newsletters are publications meant to reach out to your readers directly via e-mail. Our newsletters contain company news, product or service announcements, or summaries or new content on your blog.
Video & Webinars
With the rising popularity of video streaming websites and scripts, educational videos and webinars are becoming a valuable way of communicating with your users. The creative and memorable videos we produce and link back to your website will remind your audience that you are a reliable information resource.
Informative Blog Posts or Magazine Articles
We develop, write, and publish informative articles on external blogs and online magazine sites which then links back to your website. Our articles establish a good reputation for your brand by giving it a voice and personality.
Our packages don't restrict your content to only one or two types. Cross-marketing through different mediums and channels extends your brand's reach, and improves your link profile.
From Content Marketing To Context Marketing
Search engine algorithms now mimic user experience better than ever. Creating keyword-based content is no longer good enough to give your website the online visibility it needs. Including your target audience in our publishing teams’ content development process is the key to "context" marketing.
We Prioritize Your Objectives
Determine what your long-term goals are for creating content. Do you want to make a sale, inform and educate, or start conversations? Defining your goals helps us develop a content marketing strategy that suits your business' specific goals.
We Analyze Your Market
Learning more about your audience helps us refine our approach to content marketing. We determine what they want to find, how we can reach out to them effectively, and how we can convince them to take action. We create content for people instead of search engines, and help you nurture long-lasting relationships with your target market.
We Choose The Right Mediums To Publish With
One of our most important tasks as your publishing house is to decide when, where, and how to publish your content. We determine what type of content will communicate your message and attract more leads effectively, and publish it on a channel your target market can access easily.
We Hone Your Content Using Topic Modeling
We apply topic modeling concepts to keyword selection and content creation processes. This allows us to create outlines for focused, relevant pieces of content that meet Google's LSI requirements while at the same time, speaks to your audience.
We Establish Your Authority
You can only establish your authority in a industry by gaining your audience's trust. We help you do that by producing valuable content and developing relationships with both your readers and third-party publishers. We only publish external content in established online magazines that will give you more exposure and cement your authority in your niche.
We monitor your ROI
The return of investment on your content marketing strategy depends on your initial function of the content at hand. To make sure we meet your goals, we monitor all client’s website traffic and other website analytics, including the amount of times the content is shared. This allows us to realign our content marketing strategies as needed, and helps you determine what kind of return on investment to expect next cycle.
Our Publishing Process
We’ve fine-tuned our content publishing process to make sure our publishing team produces only the best content for our clients. Our content team collaborates with SEO teams to develop relevant topics, create great content, and distribute that content to the right audience through the most effective publishing channels.
Content Editing
Each piece of content our writers produce gets sent to our editors for review and quality analysis. We have experienced editors on our team to guide our writers and guarantee that the content our teams produce is ready for publication.
2. Content Ideation
We go through a brainstorming process of identifying the most relevant topics based on the keyword maps and groups, and then decide which ones your brand's target audience will resonate with the most. Our goal is to either educate, inform or entertain your audience.
Content Approval
When we finish fine- tuning your content, it gets sent to you for approval. We make any revisions you deem necessary before proceeding to publishing.
3. Content Creation
While the quantity of content produced can certainly boost your traffic, we are very much focused on the quality of the content as well. Our content writers coordinate with our designers for content that requires fresh designs and layouts, like eBooks, guides or infographics.
We only publish content after making sure everything is polished. On-page content, internal blogs, or anything that has gone through the approval process will be sent to you for upload, or we can do it for you.
Content Marketing For SEO In a Nutshell
With the implementation of a good content strategy, you will see an increase in organic traffic to your website from the search engine algorithms crawling your content. It takes dedication and focus; there are no shortcuts.