DotCom Secrets Book Review 2020: New Secret Funnel Strategy
Dotcom Secrets Book Review 2020
Dotcom Secrets is the first book in the ‘Secrets Trilogy’. It will help you to learn the secrets of growing your company online with sales funnels. The sales funnel frameworks that you will find inside Dotcom Secets have now helped literally tens of thousands of companies around the world to grow faster than ever before. Dotcom Secrets will give you access to all of the processes, funnels, frameworks, and scripts that Russell Brunson uses to scale his companies online so we can fix our funnel and turn it into the most profitable member of our team.
If you’re anything like me, then you probably agree that the ability to successfully sell any product or service online is highly impressive.
And if you haven’t sold products or services online before, the concept can seem foreign at first.
So as all successful people do, I’d recommend you learn from those who have mastered their craft.
In this Dotcom Secrets Review, we’ll learn from one of the world’s most successful internet marketers who has been in the trenches, building, and scaling multiple 7 figure online businesses like ClickFunnels.
Russell Brunson is THE perfect example when it comes to learning from someone who has mastered their craft - sales funnels.
In this comprehensive Dotcom Secrets review, we’re going to break down the key components of Russell Brunson’s book, DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online.
In this DotCom Secrets review, we’ll be diving deep into the following topics:
If you’re ready to purchase DotCom Secrets, then skip to this page to grab a free copy today.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 1: What is DotCom Secrets?
Dotcom Secrets is not just another “how-to” book on internet marketing.
And it’s most definitely NOT about getting more traffic to your website. Although the secrets shared in Dotcom Secrets will help you to get exponentially more web traffic than you’ve ever experienced before.
Dotcom Secrets is NOT about increasing your conversions…Although the secrets shared in the book will increase your conversions more than any headline tweak or split test ever could.
Dotcom Secrets is a shortcut.
Low traffic or conversions are symptoms of a much greater problem that’s hard to see (that’s the bad news), but a lot easier to fix (that’s the good news).
Inside the Dotcom Secrets book, you will find the actual playbook Russell Brunson developed after running thousands of tests and perfecting what works online. Dotcom Secrets unveils all of the processes, funnels, and scripts that Russell Brunson uses to scale his companies online.
The book serves as an actionable playbook for anyone who’s looking to grow their company online.
I highly recommend for any business owner to grab a copy and keep it as a reference for your digital marketing tactics.
The Dotcom Secrets book is only 390 pages long, and Russell delivers his Dotcom Secrets in a very personable, easy to understand teaching style that makes the book hard to put down.
I’ve re-read Dotcom Secrets a few times over because he fills the pages with tons of real-life examples and stories from his own business. Russell does an excellent job of illustrating in great detail what exactly each different “secret” is that is inside the Dotcom Secrets book.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 2: Who is Russell Brunson?
Russell Brunson started his first online company in college. Within a year of graduation, he had sold over a million dollars of his own products and services from his basement. For over 10 years now he’s been helping companies double their traffic, conversion, and sales online.
Russell Brunson co-founded Etison LLC, where he and his partners built and launched the world-renowned sales funnel building software, ClickFunnels (check out my ClickFunnels review to learn more about the tool).
Russell has also developed a worldwide movement revolving around sales funnels and now has an ecosystem of educational products all centered around the software such as his books (like DotCom Secrets), information products, and his live training events.
As a result of the movement he’s created, Russell has minted over 737 millionaires who are all apart of his exclusive 2 Comma Club.
According to Forbes Magazine, Russell Brunson…
‘Built A $360 Million Dollar SaaS Business, And It Was Entirely Self-Funded’ - Forbes
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 3: Inside Look
Dotcom Secrets Section 1: Value Ladders
Russell starts off the Dotcom Secrets book by first introducing a key concept, the value ladder. He demonstrates the value ladder in a compelling map of all the products or services available to offer your ‘dream customers’, in ascending order of price.
Ideally, you would think to sell people your best, most expensive product first, right? As explained in Dotcom Secrets, it turns out that it’s highly unlikely to sell a higher ticket offer to someone who doesn’t yet know, trust, and like you.
The beauty of a value ladder, as explained by Russell, is that you can offer an upfront offer at a lower price point, where colder leads are much more willing to say yes to.
Once you demonstrate value in the first offer, a certain percentage of buyers will always climb up to the next level of offering to claim your higher ticket, more value-packed offers.
In Dotcom Secrets, Russell then transitions to the concept of a sales funnel.
The sales funnel is the online system that’s referred to in Dotcomsecrets that’s necessary for having customers ascend the levels of your value ladder.
This is just a quick intro as the rest of the Dotcom Secrets book goes into more detail about the strategy and psychology for building out your sales funnels.
Dotcom Secrets Section 2: Communication Funnel
The second section of Dotcom Secrets focuses on the strategies of communicating effectively to your target audience.
First, Russell talks about creating an Attractive Character.
The Attractive Character focuses on how to craft your audience’s interpretation of you in order to attract people to your message and build a following.
Dotcom Secrets highlights the 4 key elements to an attractive character:
Having a backstory
The ability to speak in parables
Being able to share your character flaws
Have a polarizing point of view
Russell dives deep in Dotcom Secrets on each stage of the Attractive Character and shares several real-life examples.
The second half of the chapter in Dotcom Secrets is dedicated to the two most effective and proven email marketing strategies for selling with email.
The first email strategy addressed in Dotcom Secrets is called the Soap Opera Sequence. Its sole purpose is to help build a relationship with your new leads and an attractive character. The secret behind this email sequence is to keep each email open-ended and entertaining.
If done correctly, the Soap Opera Sequence email campaign will have your email subscribers actually wanting to open your emails.
Inside of Dotcomsecrets, Russell provides one of his Soap Opera Sequences that he uses, and he explains his thinking behind each email so you can adopt those same principles into your own sequence.
The next email marketing strategy taught in the Dotcom Secrets book is the Daily Seinfeld Sequence.
According to Russell, these are the type of emails that are necessary to maintain a relationship with your subscribers while still selling.
As described by Russell in Dotcomsecrets, if you don’t regularly interact with your email list, you risk the chance of them forgetting about you and your future marketing efforts will decrease ineffectiveness.
The secret to the daily Seinfeld emails is that they are simply entertaining.
Russell breaks it down like so; each email is 10% content and 90% entertainment. Start doing this and you will see your open rates, click rates, and conversations skyrocket.
Dotcom Secrets Section 3: Funnelology
The third section of Dotcom Secrets is all about the fundamentals and strategies behind a successful sales funnel.
One of the important points that Russell emphasizes in the third section of Dotcom Secrets is that you shouldn’t start from scratch when creating a funnel. He encourages his readers to model or ‘funnel hack’ those who have already created successful sales funnels in that certain industry.
This section of Dotcom Secrets greatly emphasizes the importance of ‘funnel hacking’ in order to leverage other’s experience when creating your own online sales system.
In order to illustrate the importance of each phase of a sales funnel, Russell breaks down the 7 key phases of any successful online marketing campaign. Most importantly, this section of the Dotcom Secrets book is all about how to reverse engineer your competitor’s funnels.
Here’s one of my favourite quotes from Russell that highlights the importance of understanding each of the 7 phases of a funnel.
“The real difference between having a six-, seven-, or even eight-figure business is whether you understand the phases of a funnel and can successfully monetize the different points along the line”
One of the biggest takeaways for me after reading this section of Dotcom Secrets was the importance of having a pre-frame. In order to maximize our success rate, we must properly position the visitor’s state of mind prior to taking them through each step of the sales funnel.
In order to successfully do this, it’s important to understand traffic temperature so you can create the proper pre-frame bridge and adjust your message according to their awareness of the problem or solution.
The beauty of a 7 step sales funnel is that it helps to qualify your subscribers, buyers, and the big spenders (hyperactive buyers).
Understanding (and implementing) all 7 steps illustrated in the Dotcom Secrets book will help you get the most value possible from each subscriber, while also providing them with maximum value.
The last part of the third section in Dotcom Secrets is all about the twenty-three building blocks of a funnel that Russell lives by.
He compares creating a funnel to building with legos.
Ultimately, creating a sales funnel for your online business entails mixing and matching the different blocks together to fit your offer and audience.
Dotcom Secrets Section 4: Sales Funnels & Scripts
I thought section four was really the gold nugget of the Dotcom Secrets book. This is the part of Dotcom Secrets where Russell goes into great detail about a handful of his favorite sales funnels.
We as readers get to be taken behind the scene and learn some of the exact psychology Russell uses for each funnel and how they work.
The most actionable part of Dotcom Secrets is that Russell actually provides readers with fill in the blank templates so we can implement each funnel for in own business.
Russell also breaks down the specific rules he uses for structuring the perfect One Time Offer (OTO). This is arguably the most important part of a sales funnel because the OTO’s are where we really have the opportunity to make a true profit.
In the fourth section of Dotcom Secrets, Russell breaks down the seven core funnels that can be applied to just about any business.
Two-Step – Free plus shipping Funnel
Self Liquidating Offer Funnel
Continuity Funnel
The Perfect Webinar Funnel
Invisible Funnel Webinar
Product Launch Funnel
High Ticket, Three Step application Funnel
What makes these lessons so valuable is that they are real-world examples and funnels that are purely derived from Russell’s own findings and experience with them.
For example, the Two-Step – Free plus shipping funnel is the exact same funnel he uses to sell DotCom Secrets (and ClickFunnels) himself.
It’s pretty genius. He built a funnel to sell ClickFunnels, using ClickFunnels. It’s a great example of practicing what you preach.
Dotcom Secrets Section 5: ClickFunnels
The last section of DotCom Secrets is essentially an introduction to Russell Brunson’s sales funnel building software, ClickFunnels (more on that in our ClickFunnels review). As mentioned earlier, it’s his software for creating all of the different kinds of sales funnels that Russell has been teaching in Dotcom Secrets.
Aside from going over the features of ClickFunnels from a bird’s eye view, there’s not much material in section five aside from a call to action to try out ClickFunnels for yourself. If you’d like to learn more about exactly what ClickFunnels is and how it works, you should check out our comprehensive ClickFunnels review for a more detailed look at ClickFunnels.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 4: How to make money with Dotcom Secrets
If you haven’t already realized, the most direct way to monetize what’s taught in Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson is to implement the strategies outlined in the book.
Specifically, the section of Dotcom Secrets that focuses on creating an Attractive Character and utilizing Soap Opera Sequences and Seinfeld emails can be implemented by any online business starting today.
And if you sell anything online then implementing any of the funnels in the book will definitely improve your profits.
I mentioned earlier that DotCom Secrets is part of the ClickFunnels ecosystem which has one of the best affiliate programs I’ve been a part of.
You can also promote DotCom Secrets as an affiliate as well. This is one of the most sought after affiliate programs because you will be commissioned 40% for anything people buy with your link.
This is huge because you are leveraging Russell’s own funnel to your advantage.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 5: Dotcom Secrets Pricing
The paperback edition of DotCom Secrets is currently selling on Amazon for $11.34. Or you can pick up the Kindle edition for $8.69.
However, Russell is also offering the book for FREE if you purchase directly from his website. You’ll just have to pay shipping & handling which comes out to $7.95.
I recommend buying from his website because this allows you to see his 2-step Free plus shipping funnel in action. You get a first-hand look at how the funnel works, and the value he provides as you go through his funnel.
As Russell mentions in the book, you should always try to re-engineer successful funnels, and this is a great way to do that.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 6: My Exclusive Dotcom Secrets Bonus Offer
Did this comprehensive DotcomSecrets book review get you interested in taking advantage of Russell’s free book offer?
I’ve put together a valuable list of DotcomSecrets bonuses exclusive to those who pick up a copy of the book using my link below.
Below you'll find all the details about my exclusive DotcomSecrets bonus experience and what you'll get when you claim your copy of DotcomSecrets via my affiliate link.
Bonus #1: Unlimited Email/Chat Support:
I will guide and help you in getting the best from this software (it can be confusing sometimes).
Bonus #2: My Personal CF Crash Course:
My comprehensive 12+ hour membership course on getting ClickFunnels to pay for itself (over 50 video lessons).
Bonus #3: CF Share Funnel Library + White Label Rights:
31 share funnels you can directly import into your CF account.
Bonus #4: DFY Email Marketing Automations + White Label Rights:
Done-for-you email automations you can use to promote any affiliate offers.
Bonus #5: Definitive List of the Top 130 Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs + White label rights:
List of over 130+ affiliate programs that offer lifetime recurring commissions.
Bonus #6: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library + White Label Rights
Get the exact Facebook ads that 40 of the top internet entrepreneurs are running right now.
To take advantage of this exclusive Dotcom Secrets bonus offer at no extra cost, use this link and then email me here with your receipt and I will send you the bonuses within 24 hours if my Active Campaign autoresponder didn’t already recognize the purchase and send them to you automatically.
Dotcom Secrets Book Review Part 6: Closing Thoughts
I really enjoyed reading DotCom Secrets. It’s filled with a bunch of ‘aha’ moments, and each time I came across one I would step back and think how I could incorporate the concept into my own businesses.
As Russell emphasizes, this book is a playbook. So it’s meant to be read multiple times.
Read it the first time to get that initial understanding, and then start using it as a reference as you begin implementing each of the strategies.
Overall, if you do any selling online, I highly recommend that you pick up a copy. I guarantee you that you will learn something from it.
Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you enjoyed this Dotcom Secrets review. Please note that any links inside this article may be affiliate links to the DotcomSecrets book. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, I may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, thanks! Any money we make keeps this site running and allows us to keep producing high-quality reviews.
Also please note that I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.